COVID policy & action plan
Phases to return to office
phase 1
All learners to continue remote learning to cover the theoretical elements of the apprenticeship standard.
Action plan created to help prepare for a return to the office, supported with the creation of a risk assessment and PPE purchased.
Ad hoc visits to the office/s to be arranged to collect mail etc to be coordinated with line manager.
phase 2
March - April 2021:
Remote delivery for mainstream theoretical classes (1st and 2nd years) will remain the norm for the foreseeable.
All Apprentices due EPA completion this year (2021) will have the opportunity to begin attending Warrington Bank Quay training site to begin preparation for their Endpoint assessment.
These sessions will remain practical only, with the theory preparation delivered remotely.
Functional Skills drop-in sessions arranged to allow us to clear the large back log of learners due to complete.
Max class sizes will reduce from 14 to 8.
Social distancing measures implemented and PPE to be worn.
Staffing will continue to work remotely as much as reasonably possible.
phase 3
May - September 2021:
Remote delivery for all theoretical classes will remain including EPA.
Mainstream apprentices i.e. those in 1st and 2nd year to resume practical training.
A normal week of training at this time could be:
• 2-days theory (remote delivery 10am-2pm)
• 1-day practical (onsite 9am – 5pm)
• 1-day review (remote 1 hour ad hoc)
Max class sizes will reduce from 14 to 8.
Social distancing measures implemented and PPE to be worn.
Staffing will continue to work remotely as much as reasonably possible.
phase 4
October 2021 - January 2022:
Normal training will resume. With implemented Social distancing measures and PPE to be worn.
Staffing will continue to work remotely as much as reasonably possible.