Code of Conduct Policy
Skills for Security (SfS) is committed to providing a first-class learning environment. SFS has responsibility to all its learners to provide high professional standards of teaching and a safe and motivating environment for learning.
Learners also must accept and undertake various responsibilities. These responsibilities form the basis of a Code that every learner must observe. The Learner Code is important as it aims to ensure that everyone in SFS works within an environment that is safe, secure and conducive to learning.
Unacceptable behaviour is defined as – ‘any behaviour which impacts negatively on teaching and learning’. Whilst staff are urged to be sensitive to learners’ individual circumstances, it must be emphasised that there are no exceptions in the application of the responsibilities outlined in this Code of Conduct.
This Code lists each learner's responsibilities and describes the various stages in the Centre disciplinary procedure. It should be noted, however, that as a rule, conventional disciplinary procedures with learners in adult education are relatively rare. However, more frequently in adult education, problems can arise when a dominant or aggressive individual interrupts classes or learning activities or causes disruption in social or reception areas.
Learners must:
recognise and observe SFS code of conduct policy;
show respect to others and not intimidate staff, visitors or fellow learners;
allow others to learn and work without interruption or disruption;
attend classes punctually where this is a requirement of the course;
observe all health and safety regulations throughout SFS as well as risk assessments in specific areas such as workshops;
observe the no smoking regulations and only smoke/vape in designated areas outside;
eat and drink only in designated areas;
know and follow the emergency evacuation procedures highlighted within the classroom;
recognise that the tutor has a responsibility for the learning of the whole group;
not damage equipment, materials or buildings.
Examples of unacceptable behaviour/misconduct that may lead to disciplinary action are listed below:
abusive language or intimidating verbal or physical behaviour towards learners, visitors or members of staff;
deliberate misuse of, damage to, misappropriation or theft of any learning material and/or equipment, furniture, fittings or other property belonging to SFS or its learners, visitors or staff
abuse of computer facilities through installation of personal or illegal software or otherwise engage in other activities which may disrupt the computer network or infringe the Internet Access Policy;
cheating or copying other learners’ work;
anti-social or disruptive behaviour e.g. any behaviour that infringes upon other learners’ ability to learn;
infringement of intellectual property rights.
Learner Disciplinary Procedure
Stage 1 (Start of disciplinary procedure)
A member of staff issues a verbal warning informing the learner that his/her behaviour is unacceptable and infringes the SFS Code of Conduct. A written report of the incident will be made – employer notified of incident by phone.
Stage 2
A member of staff issues a written warning. A written report of the incident will be made. A formal letter/email is sent by the Operations or Quality manager with a copy to the tutor involved - employer notified of incident by phone.
Stage 3
The Operations or Quality Manager excludes the learner. The Operations or Quality and the panel determine the duration of the exclusion period.
Examples might include wilful damage to property, downloading inappropriate material, physical violence, serious breach of health and safety, verbal or physically abusive behaviour.
A serious incident could lead to immediate dismissal from the premises and should be dealt with by the most senior person on site. The police should be called (if appropriate) and/or a letter from the Operations/Quality manager be sent inviting the learner to a meeting to take place within 4 working weeks. The Operations/Quality Manager will convene a panel, considering the nature and circumstances of the incident.
If the learner or employer should wish to appeal against the decision made, this should be done in writing to us, info@skillsforsecurity.org.uk