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Skills for Security and NSI

Skills for Security

The National Security Inspectorate Logo

The National Security Inspectorate is the UK's most highly trusted and respected, independent, UKAS-accredited certification body in the security and fire safety sector. NSI approved companies are committed to the highest standards of service, quality and continual improvement. Today NSI's John Davidson and Gary Hurst provide an engaging and inspirational lesson to Skills for Security students and staff on auditing, preparing for an NSI audit and the importance of third party certification.

Today over 20 Skills for Security apprentices who are preparing for their End Point Assessment are participating in the lesson to give them a greater understanding of the vital role third party certification plays in the fire and security sector. This lesson will help all of our apprentices understand non-compliances, identify non-compliances and record and rectify.

"I have worked closely with NSI over the last ten years. When John Davidson from NSI reached out to me, I was determined to make it work. Even though we are still working remotely, I wanted to find new ways for Inspectorates, like the NSI, to engage with our learners. We are very proud to be building on this relationship, which will see the NSI team meet all of our 260 apprentices over the next three years. We have built this NSI lesson into one of the blocks in our curriculum to strengthen what we offer to our apprentices and employers."

Alex Kinvig from EFT Systems said: “Presentations like this are invaluable to my learning, Gary and John were both informative and engaging. I feel my understanding on audits and the importance of audits has greatly improved after today’s presentation, it will certainly make me think again while onsite to improve the standards of EFT and therefore the industry as a whole.”

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